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  • Writer's pictureKristina Carter

...and then the pandemic hit!

"You've been doing great. Life has been everything you thought it could be with an anxiety/PTSD/panic disorder diagnosis. You've gained a certain sense of freedom, and a sense of fearlessness. You felt invincible for the first time in a long time..."

Then it felt like the world caved in with the COVID-19 pandemic. You handled it well at first, you weren't too worried, after all...this is what we do all the time, right? I mean, we typically think worst case just as a general rule. But as the quarantines became longer, and the more you thought about contact...the worse you have gotten right? YOU AREN'T ALONE!

We (those of us that struggle with anxiety) have all pretty much had a peak in our anxiety levels during these last few weeks. Our lives that once had a pretty solid routine to them has now been shuffled up to the point of chaos. And we know how much breaking routine can mess us up! Schools are out, some jobs have shut down, and trips to the grocery store to find toilet paper, meat, and milk has become super stressful.

I had a panic attack while I was at work this past week, and it startled me. It was my first major attack while at work. I had had some small ones that I was able to work through before, but this time my body just couldn't shake it off. I melted into tears the second I was asked how I was doing. My bosses were great in making sure I was okay, and taken care of. I was able to come home, and rest. But, my body had taken as much as it could before it just couldn't do it anymore. I have started to journal daily during this pandemic to help get my thought down on paper to free up my mind. Putting my thoughts out there helps me to "clean out" my mind, and is a great relief for me, and I very highly recommend it!

Also, if you haven't seen War need to! I watched it for the first time last night, and while yes the main character was praying for her marriage, I have created a war room of my own. This is where I will do my battle on my anxiety, my discouragements, and anything else that needs fighting for.

While the world is going crazy...I can FIGHT.

When my anxiety gets uncontrollable...I can FIGHT.

When all around me seems like chaos...I can FIGHT!

My point in this post is that you aren't alone in the battle. We are all facing the unknown, and the unexpected! Keep praying, studying, and having faith that God will carry you through.

Hey, I might actually get to do a podcast in the middle of all of this! Keep checking in!

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